I'm wondering if any of you can assist with an interesing SQL
query.  I have a single table within a database, the relevant fields of
which are defined as:

       CREATE TABLE tableA
               domain text,
               mime  text

Where "domain" is a domain, such as:


An example of rows might be:

google.com, text/html
google.com, image/gif
google.com, image/jpeg
google.com, text/html
teddybears.com, text/html
teddybears.com, image/png
google.com, text/html
google.com, image/png

"mime" is defined as having entries such as:


What I am after doing with this table is writing an SQL query which
produces a count of all domains where the mime is equal to "text/html"
and next to that, a total count for that domain where the mime type is
"image/*" -- so for example, I might expect the returned resultset to
look like:

Domain              domaincount         Mimecountimages
----------------       -----                       ----
google.com        120                       12
emeraldcity.       200                       40
teddybears.com 11                         2

So far, we've considered and tried using a same-table join, various
group-by and rollup ideas, but am unable to come up with anything which
will produce the above in ONE row for each domain.

Any advice and assistance would be great!

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