> Hey everyone,
> I have been considering putting together a e-zine for MySQL as my way to
> give back to the community.  I was curious as to what type of interest
> there would be in this.  I am thinking something quarterly to start with
> and probably 15 - 20 pages.  Nothing huge.  Topics would vary from
> everything like standard DBA stuff like backups, replication, system
> architecture and such to stuff for the developers out there..php, perl,
> python whatever.  My background is more of a DBA so I would definitely
> need some input/articles for the developer side of things.
> It is just funny that in this day and age there is no magazines
> specifically for MySQL.  I even saw a php magazine at the bookstore the
> other day! 
> I can do the layout in QuarkXpress and generate pdfs that I can host on
> my website. 
> Any thoughts?  Any desires to contribute?

Anything on the topic of actual queries I would skip, those are narrow and
finite questions, usually specific to a certain application, and quickly
answered on the list.

I would cover what is more mysterious to most, which is the underbelly of
mysql.  Today there was good dialogue on the bin logs, that I think is stuff
that helps people.  Demystifying all the .cnf options, how to optimize for
load, test the load etc.

Steer clear of high end features like replication and the like, things that
generally, if you are worried about them, your app is doing well enough you
should be around knowledgeable people already.

For me at least, it would be more about internals, that the step by step of
how to do a join.
Scott Haneda                                Tel: 415.898.2602
<http://www.newgeo.com>                     Novato, CA U.S.A.

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