Fortunately, I'm learning MySQL on my home machine, so this
MEGA-Mistake doesn't sink a Fortune 500 corporation.

        I was experimenting with a batch file that ...
(1) Created a set of user accounts with tiered privileges, 
(2) Set passwords for the new accounts, and then 
(3) Displayed the grants for these new accounts on the command line. 
The last few lines of code took advantage of a new security tip I had
just learned--change the name of the root account to something
unguessable and then give the disguised root account a new password.

        I was running this file over and over again to debug it, dropping new
users left and right, and ... oops ... not recognizing the off-the-wall
new name I had given to the root account, I Dropped the root account.

        I deleted MySQL server and client 5.0, rebooted, then reinstalled
server and client 5.0 with Synaptic. I still seem to be locked out,
however. Are there some configuration files that are clinging to Linux
that I need to manually delete in order to get a installation with a
password-less root access?

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