At 6:09 PM -0400 5/8/07, John Kebbel wrote:
When I try using the --xml or --html option with a batch file using INTO
OUTFILE 'dirpath', the --xml or --html option seems to be ignored in
favor of the tab-delimited default. (If I get rid of the INTO OUTFILE,
xml or html displays fine in the terminal.)

--xml and --html affect how the mysql client writes its output.

INTO OUTFILE takes place on the server side.  It cannot be affected
by --xml or --html.  (Or --batch or --table, either.

I tried using the pager to write to a file from inside MySQL. I
succeeded, but it was table data. I couldn't figure out how to add the
--xml or --html options from inside the pager.

I tried the redirection operator from the command line, but I haven't
stumbled on the correct syntax if such a syntax does exist.

It exists; this is a function of your command interpreter.
But you're not likely to "stumble" on it; better to consult
the documentation for your interpreter.  For Unix, you can
do something like this:

Put statements in a file "x".
Run mysql like this to capture output into "y":

mysql --xml db_name < x > y

Paul DuBois, MySQL Documentation Team
Madison, Wisconsin, USA

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