I found how to bind to addrees to but didn't find anything in my.ini about
skip-networking.... but now I have this problem where the I can't connect
locally sitting at the computer using hostname localhost.... if I type in
the IP address of the computer I get a messsage saying "{Hostname} is not
allowed to connect to this MySQL server"


On 6/21/07, Baron Schwartz <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:


Ferindo Middleton wrote:
> I've installed MySQL5 on a machine running Windows XP.  I'm not an
> user so I chose all the default  configuration settings when I went
> the setup wizard for the server instance. The database works fine and I
> access it when I'm sitting at the computer through the command line
> and MySQL Query Browser. However, if I try to access the server instance
> from another computer on my LAN via MySQL Query Browser, I get a message
> saying the connection is refused.... How do I configure the server to
> incoming connections from other computers on my network?

Try to configure bind-address to the server's IP address, and ensure
skip-networking is not defined.


Ferindo Middleton
Web Application Developer/Database Administrator/IT Infrastructure and
Integration Management Specialist/Perception Augmentation and Control
Supplementation Research Specialist for AI Wetware-to-Software Interface and

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