First of all, thanks for your attention guys,

Rhys, I've tried UNION and UNION ALL statements too, but I found some
problems when ordering the results. I've tried order in each query and at
end - (SELECT ...) UNION (SELECT ...) ORDER BY ... -, and result was poorly
than this query.

Martin, that indexes names MySQL was created automatically when I created
the indexes, because I didn't specified an index name in alter table.

I create now one index for each column that I use in this query (and
correctly specified the index name - I guess).
Below is create statement now for "mensagespara":

CREATE TABLE `mensagenspara` (
  `codmensagempara` int(11) NOT NULL DEFAULT '0',
  `codmensagem` int(11) DEFAULT NULL,
  `codusuario` int(11) DEFAULT NULL,
  `situacao` int(11) DEFAULT NULL,
  `codvencimento` int(11) DEFAULT NULL,
  `datarecebimento` int(11) DEFAULT NULL,
  `horarecebimento` int(11) DEFAULT NULL,
  `dataleitura` int(11) DEFAULT NULL,
  `horaleitura` int(11) DEFAULT NULL,
  `codpasta` int(11) DEFAULT NULL,
  `codrespondida` int(11) DEFAULT NULL,
  `alarmedata` int(11) DEFAULT NULL,
  `alarmehora` int(11) DEFAULT NULL,
  `alarmetempo` int(11) DEFAULT NULL,
  `alarmetipo` int(11) DEFAULT NULL,
  `concluidodata` int(11) DEFAULT NULL,
  `concluidohora` int(11) DEFAULT NULL,
  `concluidomsg` varchar(255) DEFAULT NULL,
  `tipo` int(11) DEFAULT NULL,
  `avisado` int(11) DEFAULT NULL,
  `notificatarefanaocumprida` int(11) DEFAULT NULL,
  `notificatarefa` int(11) DEFAULT NULL,
  PRIMARY KEY (`codmensagempara`),
  KEY `codmensagem_idx` (`codmensagem`),
  KEY `codpasta_idx` (`codpasta`),
  KEY `codusaurio_idx` (`codusuario`)

I created in the others tables too.

Now my response time fall to ~ 6 seconds, but still too slow, because we
have around 300 employees using this system at same time, and in these tests
I'm using only my computer.

2007/8/14, Martin Gainty <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:
> Hello Hugo
> In your last CREATE TABLE statement you have
> PRIMARY KEY (`codmensagempara`), --correctly define column codmensagepara
> to
> be used as a PRIMARY_LEY for this table
> the name of this index will be called 'PRIMARY'
> then following the convention from the doc
> {INDEX|KEY} [index_name] [index_type] (index_col_name,...)
> later on you define an index with the same name but no index_type
> KEY `codmensagempara`
> (`codmensagempara`,`codusuario`,`codpasta`,`codmensagem`)
> I am trying to understand the reason to use the SAME name to specify the
> PRIMARY_KEY column `codmensagempara` int(11) NOT NULL DEFAULT '0', from
> mensagempara
> and then later define a NEW key with the SAME name as the column
> KEY `codmensagempara`
> (`codmensagempara`,`codusuario`,`codpasta`,`codmensagem`)
> The rule is that as long as you do joins on unique indexed columns
> (columns
> which are defined by PRIMARY_KEY) you will always have fast queries
> e.g.
> SELECT * from TABLE1 t1, TABLE2 t2
> where t1.index_column==t2.index.column
> /********guaranteed to be fastest as these indexes are unique and will
> never
> cause FTS*********/
> M--
> This email message and any files transmitted with it contain confidential
> information intended only for the person(s) to whom this email message is
> addressed.  If you have received this email message in error, please
> notify
> the sender immediately by telephone or email and destroy the original
> message without making a copy.  Thank you.
> ----- Original Message -----
> From: "Hugo Ferreira da Silva" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> To: <>
> Sent: Tuesday, August 14, 2007 11:04 AM
> Subject: Problem with a complex query
> > Hi,
> >
> > I have a message system wich work in this way:
> > - Each message can be sent to one or more recipients
> > - Each message received have a lot of settings, like date and hour
> > received,
> > date and hour of read, mark as read and so on
> > - When the user select "view message", the system will get the history
> for
> > this message, with each answers of that message.
> >
> > The first table, messages, has about 56.000 rows, and the messages for
> > table
> > has about 200.000 rows.
> >
> > The problem is when the user goes to messages list. Because the message
> > could be moved to any folder, I have to query in "messages" table and
> > "messages for" table, to check if in the selected folder exists messages
> > sent or received.
> >
> > Below is the tables structures of my system.
> >
> > Users table (called usuarios, in portuguese)
> >
> > CREATE TABLE `usuarios` (
> >  `codusuario` int(11) NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT,
> >  `codexterno` varchar(11) DEFAULT NULL,
> >  `codgrupo` smallint(6) DEFAULT NULL,
> >  `nome` varchar(50) DEFAULT NULL,
> >  `login` varchar(50) DEFAULT NULL,
> >  `senha` varchar(50) DEFAULT NULL,
> >  `senhacriptografada` varchar(50) DEFAULT NULL,
> >  `tamanhoarquivos` int(11) DEFAULT NULL,
> >  `cronos` int(11) DEFAULT NULL,
> >  `email` varchar(100) DEFAULT NULL,
> >  `ativo` int(11) DEFAULT NULL,
> >  PRIMARY KEY (`codusuario`),
> >  UNIQUE KEY `codusuario` (`codusuario`)
> >
> >
> > Messages table (mensagens)
> >
> > CREATE TABLE `mensagens` (
> >  `codmensagem` int(11) NOT NULL DEFAULT '0',
> >  `codprioridade` int(11) DEFAULT NULL,
> >  `assunto` varchar(150) DEFAULT NULL,
> >  `assuntoconsulta` varchar(150) DEFAULT NULL,
> >  `msg` text,
> >  `codusuario` int(11) DEFAULT NULL,
> >  `dataenvio` int(11) DEFAULT NULL,
> >  `horaenvio` int(11) DEFAULT NULL,
> >  `situacao` int(11) DEFAULT NULL,
> >  `datalimite` int(11) DEFAULT NULL,
> >  `horalimite` int(11) DEFAULT NULL,
> >  `anexo` int(11) DEFAULT NULL,
> >  `codmensagemoriginal` int(11) DEFAULT NULL,
> >  `codmensagempai` int(11) DEFAULT NULL,
> >  `codpasta` int(11) DEFAULT NULL,
> >  `tipo` int(11) DEFAULT NULL,
> >  `dhdatatarefa` int(11) DEFAULT NULL,
> >  `dhhoratarefa` int(11) DEFAULT NULL,
> >  `repvalor` int(11) DEFAULT NULL,
> >  `repperiodo` int(11) DEFAULT NULL,
> >  `repnvezes` int(11) DEFAULT NULL,
> >  `repdataterminar` int(11) DEFAULT NULL,
> >  `avvalor` int(11) DEFAULT NULL,
> >  `avtipo` int(11) DEFAULT NULL,
> >  `avdata` int(11) DEFAULT NULL,
> >  `avhora` int(11) DEFAULT NULL,
> >  `alarmetipo` int(11) DEFAULT NULL,
> >  `alarmevalor` int(11) DEFAULT NULL,
> >  `ativo` int(11) DEFAULT NULL,
> >  `permiteresposta` int(11) DEFAULT NULL,
> >  PRIMARY KEY (`codmensagem`),
> >  KEY `codusuario` (`codusuario`,`codpasta`,`codmensagem`),
> >  KEY `dataenvio` (`dataenvio`,`horaenvio`)
> >
> > Messages for table (mensagenspara)
> >
> > CREATE TABLE `mensagenspara` (
> >  `codmensagempara` int(11) NOT NULL DEFAULT '0',
> >  `codmensagem` int(11) DEFAULT NULL,
> >  `codusuario` int(11) DEFAULT NULL,
> >  `situacao` int(11) DEFAULT NULL,
> >  `codvencimento` int(11) DEFAULT NULL,
> >  `datarecebimento` int(11) DEFAULT NULL,
> >  `horarecebimento` int(11) DEFAULT NULL,
> >  `dataleitura` int(11) DEFAULT NULL,
> >  `horaleitura` int(11) DEFAULT NULL,
> >  `codpasta` int(11) DEFAULT NULL,
> >  `codrespondida` int(11) DEFAULT NULL,
> >  `alarmedata` int(11) DEFAULT NULL,
> >  `alarmehora` int(11) DEFAULT NULL,
> >  `alarmetempo` int(11) DEFAULT NULL,
> >  `alarmetipo` int(11) DEFAULT NULL,
> >  `concluidodata` int(11) DEFAULT NULL,
> >  `concluidohora` int(11) DEFAULT NULL,
> >  `concluidomsg` varchar(255) DEFAULT NULL,
> >  `tipo` int(11) DEFAULT NULL,
> >  `avisado` int(11) DEFAULT NULL,
> >  `notificatarefanaocumprida` int(11) DEFAULT NULL,
> >  `notificatarefa` int(11) DEFAULT NULL,
> >  PRIMARY KEY (`codmensagempara`),
> >  KEY `codmensagempara`
> > (`codmensagempara`,`codusuario`,`codpasta`,`codmensagem`)
> >
> >
> >
> > The SQL used :
> >
> > m.codmensagem, m.codprioridade, m.codusuario, m.codmensagemoriginal,
> > m.codmensagempai,
> > m.assunto, m.dataenvio, m.horaenvio, m.datalimite, m.horalimite, m.anexo
> ,
> > m.tipo, u.nome, up.nome as nomepara, mp.codrespondida,
> mp.codmensagempara,
> > mp.codusuario as codusuariopara, mp.situacao
> >
> > FROM
> >
> > cronosweb.mensagens m, cronosweb.mensagenspara mp, acessos.usuarios u,
> > acessos.usuarios up
> >
> > WHERE m.ativo=1
> > AND m.codmensagem=mp.codmensagem
> > AND m.codusuario=u.codusuario
> > AND mp.codusuario=up.codusuario
> > AND (
> > ( m.codpasta=1
> > AND m.codusuario = 916
> > AND m.situacao <> 0
> > )
> > OR (
> > mp.codpasta=1
> > AND mp.codusuario = 916
> > AND mp.situacao <> 4
> > )
> > )
> >
> > GROUP BY m.codmensagem
> >
> > ORDER BY m.dataenvio DESC, m.horaenvio DESC, m.codmensagem DESC
> > LIMIT 0,20
> > The time of this query takes to executes is about 13 ~ 15 seconds.
> > I've tried with sub-selects (and also tried with derived), table
> > partitioning and many also possibilities that my mind could imagine (I'm
> > work this issue for 5 days)
> >
> > Using 5.1.20-beta-community-nt-debug.
> >
> > Thanks in advanced.
> >
> > --
> > Hugo Ferreira da Silva
> > Programador
> >
> > Fone: (45) 9102-1148
> >
> >

Hugo Ferreira da Silva

Fone: (45) 9102-1148

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