The comma at the end of the SELECT statement needs to be removed

Naz Gassiep wrote:
  I'm trying to execute this query:

             SELECT group_post.group_thread_id,
            FROM group_post
LEFT OUTER JOIN group_post_moderation ON (group_post.group_post_id = group_post_moderation.group_post_id) LEFT OUTER JOIN group_post_mod_option ON (group_post_moderation.group_post_moderation_option = group_post_mod_option.option_id)
           WHERE group_thread_id = '6'
        GROUP BY group_post.group_thread_id
        ORDER BY lft;

But when I do, I get this error:

ERROR 1064: You have an error in your SQL syntax. Check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right sy
ntax to use near 'FROM group_post
       LEFT OUTER JOIN group_post_moderation ON (grou

Can anyone please tell me what is causing that? I'm using MySQL4.

- Naz.

  • Query error Naz Gassiep
    • Re: Query error Gerard van Beek

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