Had a minor crisis this morning. One of my database tables had become
As I've done quite a few times, I shut down the db, ran myisamchk -r and it
seemed to repair the table.
Shortly afterwards it corrupted again - seemed a little strange, but decided
I'd give it another go and ran myisamchk on all tables (just to make sure).
Again it reported success and I logged in through PHP admin, not a pretty
sight - everything appeared to be broken.
Back to my datafiles and had a horrible moment of realization when I noticed
I had no .myd files any more - all gone. In their place a .tmd file.
Little bit of googling reports that these are temp files, quick look in them
seems to find something that looks like my data (this is an hmailserver db
that's crashed and died), but doesn't offer any more info.
Played with a few data recovery tools and they reported they could see
deleted myd files with a 'size' but recovery failed with a variety of error

Just wondering if anybody could help me out. I've moved though shock, anger,
grief and am now just accepting the loss of many email accounts over many
years. I was hoping that if these were temp files, then mysql should have
the ability to transform them back into myd files - but so far no luck and
no information.

Any help/pointers/alcohol would be much appreciated.

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