I just want to see the original insert statement which failed, so that I can
do a search on it.
Is there any option for seeing the insert statement that gets executed and
the error line next to next.?

On 10/5/07, Baron Schwartz <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Arun wrote:
> > I have a large batch of insert sql statements, of which some of them are
> > failing. I want to know which one is failing exactly.
> > Is there anyway I can debug it  and which statement went wrong. I have
> only
> > 4 or 5 out of 200 statements that are failing.
> >
> It depends on how you're running the batch, and you didn't give us any
> information about that.  Are you doing something like this?
> mysql < batch.sql
> If so, try
> mysql --line-numbers < batch.sql
> This option may be enabled already.  Try running mysql --help | grep
> 'line-numbers' to see.  It's enabled by default on my machine:
> [EMAIL PROTECTED]:~$ mysql --help | grep 'line-numbers'
>    --line-numbers      Write line numbers for errors.
>    -L, --skip-line-numbers
> line-numbers                      TRUE
> Baron

Arun George

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