Philip Hallstrom wrote:
>> pgpool is a connection pool server for PostgreSQL. pgpool runs between
>> PostgreSQL's clients(front ends) and servers(back ends).
>> Well there are a few solutions out there.
>> The first comparable product for MySQL is MySQL Proxy.
> Almost, but the faq says it's not quite there (auto splitting
> reads/writes).
> Will be nice once it is though!
> -philip

You are correct, right out of the box it does not split read/writes.

Lua script can be written to intercept the query, and then change the connection
to a mysql host based on read/write.

I have not heard of a success story yet, but there is a Lua script written for
read/write splitting that is distributed with MySQL Proxy:


There is a post on Aug 26 on Proxy's R/W Splitting:

There was a post a few days ago in the MySQL Proxy Forum about a problem,180080,180080

Also a related bug:


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