
I am looking for a little advice in setting up Red Hat and MySQL for a large
database (at least I consider it to be large).  My database will contain 2
large tables that are updated daily.  The first table currenly has 19
million records and ~70 columns largely made up of varchar(20), char(5) and
integers.  It has a natural primary key and a composite index on 3 of the
character columns.  The second table currently has 400 million records and
~30 columns again made up of varchar(20), char(5) and integers.  This
table's primary key is defined using 2 columns and also has a composite
index on the same 3 columns as the first table.  Lastly, I will frequently
join the two tables in my queries.

My system has 4gb ram, 500 gb hard drive (result of a RAID 5 configuration)
and 2 dual core Intel 64 bit procs.  I have chosen to use Red Hat EL5.

Here are the questions I have to help optimize the performance:
* Should I continue with the RAID 5?  I am not too concerned of recovery.  I
am more concerned about I/O performance.
* Is there a hard drive partition scheme that would help the performance
(separate the large db schema /var/lib/mysql/schema_name)?
* Should I partition the tables?  There is a natural partition for the 400m
table by date; there is not a natural partition for the other. Should I make
one up?
* Are there specific additions to the /etc/my.cnf that I should add to
maximize the systems capabilities?
* Please let me know of other things I should consider.

Thanks in advance, Jason

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