On 11.02.2008 11:18 CE(S)T, Peter Brawley wrote:

Okay. Then the long form.

My application is a messaging application that supports multiple users, messages with revisions, tags and access control.

A user is identified by a UserId which I also call "key". (Imagine it like the key you have for your front door.) A user can be assigned additional keys that give him way to additional messages. (Imagine it like the key for your office and the neighour's.) A user is also the author of a message revision.

A keylist supports storing multiple keys for another entity. This table is only a product of database normalisation. It is identified by a KeylistId.

Tags are predefined, i.e. an author cannot use tags that are not already there. Tags are identified by their TagId. Tags can also be used to restrict access to messages that have them assigned. For this, a tag can have a list of keys that can be used to access the message. If a keylist is assigned (ReadAccessKeylist IS NOT NULL), then any key from the list will do. E.g. you can restrict access on a certain tag to the sales and development departments, locking out research dept. and anonymous guests. If no key list is defined (ReadAccessKeylist IS NULL), then no access restrictions are imposed on that tag.

A message contains multiple revisions (can be one, too) that keep the actual data, the message content, subject, timestamp etc. A message has a MessageId, a revision is identified by a MessageId and a RevisionNumber, both starting at 1. A message can have its own individual access keylist that behaves the same was as for tags, but it only applies to the single respective message.

A message revision can be assigned tags that are used for classification and access control. These tag associations are stored in the message_revision_tag table. For search purposes, a single message revision is linked to that will be regarded. This is the SearchRevision of a message that is determined by other conditions and stored persistently.

This is the relevant part of the database schema:
message (MessageId)
message_revision (MessageId references message, RevisionNumber, Author
  references user(UserId), CreatedTime, ...)
keylist (KeylistId, Key references user(UserId))
user (UserId, AdditionalKeylist references keylist(KeylistId))
tag (TagId, ReadAccessKeylist references keylist(KeylistId))
message_revision_tag (MessageId, RevisionNumber, TagId references tag)

One additional constraint:
message_revision_tag (MessageId, RevisionNumber) reference to

The main search query only retrieves MessageIds. It must only return messages that the current session user has access to. This access may come from the messages' ReadAccessKeylist or any of the assigned tags' ReadAccessKeylist. The session user can be granted access for his own personal key (UserId) or one of the additional keys in his "keyring" (AdditionalKeylist). If there are multiple access lists, the user must pass all of them to get the message. I.e. if a message has an individual keylist and also some tags assigned that restrict access, the user must be in each of those key lists to get access.

This is probably the most tricky part to understand. Please tell me if you have questions.

The entire SQL query is now:

> SELECT m."MessageId"
> FROM "message" m
  -- Grant all access to administrators (so that they can alter the access key 
  (:isAdmin OR
    -- Message has no read access keylist
    (m."ReadAccessKeylist" IS NULL
      -- Message's read access keylist contains personal or additional user key
      (SELECT 1
      FROM "message" m2, "keylist" m2k
      WHERE m2k."KeylistId" = m2."ReadAccessKeylist" AND
        m2."MessageId" = m."MessageId" AND
        (m2k."UserId" = :sessionUserId OR
          m2k."UserId" IN
            (SELECT uk."UserId"
            FROM "user" u, "keylist" uk
            WHERE uk."KeylistId" = u."AdditionalKeylist" AND
              u."UserId" = :sessionUserId))))
      -- There must not be any tag that denies access
          -- Tag's read access keylist contains personal or additional user key
          (SELECT 1
          FROM "keylist" tk
          WHERE tk."KeylistId" = t."ReadAccessKeylist" AND
            (tk."UserId" = :sessionUserId OR
              tk."UserId" IN
                (SELECT uk."UserId"
                FROM "user" u, "keylist" uk
                WHERE uk."KeylistId" = u."AdditionalKeylist" AND
                  u."UserId" = :sessionUserId)))
        AS "Allowed"
      FROM "message_revision_tag" mrt
        JOIN "tag" t USING ("TagId")
      WHERE mrt."MessageId" = m."MessageId" AND
        mrt."RevisionNumber" = m."SearchRevision" AND
        t."ReadAccessKeylist" IS NOT NULL   -- Only regard tags with read 
access keylist (only they can fail the access test)
>       HAVING NOT "Allowed")

:isAdmin is 0 or 1 depending on whether the session user is an administrator. Admins always get the result because they need to be able to see it to alter access.

:sessionUserId is the current session user's UserId. For anonymous guests, this is 0.

The partial query that I have quoted last time is mainly the main query's last condition in the WHERE clause. It handles access coming from tags. The first half of the condition handles access coming from the message's own ReadAccessKeylist.

(This is not a closed-source commercial thing. It is a web application that will be available on my website under the GPL when it's ready. It basically already works fine, just a little slow under some conditions.)

Yves Goergen "LonelyPixel" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Visit my web laboratory at http://beta.unclassified.de

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