I've posted this problem before, but thought I had somehow addressed it. Today however the problem returned. In a nutshell:

MySQL (version 5.0.45, on OS X 10.4.11, Xserve dual G5 2GHz) will after either a day or three weeks of uptime, suddenly usage way more CPU that it should. That is to say, mysqld shows in Activity Monitor 90% CPU usage when normally it sits around 30-40%. Slow query log file doesn't show anything unusual. Now here's the really strange part: If I shutdown all processes/services that use MySQL (and I can see nothing making a connection to the database), the CPU still stays high. Yet nothing is going on. It will stay like this for hours. The only way to "fix" the problem is to shutdown mysqld and restart. However, shutting it down takes a long time--15-20 minutes perhaps. Here's what MySQL Administrator returns after I click Shutdown:

Stopping server...
Shutting down MySQL .................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... ERROR!
Failed to stop server, trying shutdown...
Failed to stop server.

And then it shuts down. Bizarre, non?
Any ideas?


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