I am feeling more motivated to interrupt this operation now.  What would 
be an effective way to do that?  As a reminder, I submitted this operation 
using the GUI administration tool --- specifically the table editor.  The 
whole tool is unresponsive while this operation is running.  I can run and 
use another instance of the GUI administration tool.

If I succeed in interrupting this operation, presumably the rollback will 
take quite a while.  How can I tell whether I have successfully 
interrupted the operation and the rollback is what's nailing my machine?

Mike Spreitzer
SMTP: [EMAIL PROTECTED], Lotus Notes: Mike Spreitzer/Watson/IBM
Office phone: +1-914-784-6424 (IBM T/L 863-)
AOL Instant Messaging: M1k3Sprtzr

Mike Spreitzer/Watson/[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
02/19/08 08:34 PM

"Baron Schwartz" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Re: How bad is adding BLOB column and index at the same time?

Thanks, Baron.  Yes, the table is bigger than memory.  It took about 2.5 
days to create the table, inserting about 7,000 rows at a time; this 
column and index addition has been running for about a day now.  I notice 
you did not say it was terribly stupid to create this index before putting 

the final data in the new column.  So I infer there is no big motivation 
to interrupt the operation I have going.


"Baron Schwartz" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 
02/19/08 08:13 PM

Mike Spreitzer/Watson/[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Re: How bad is adding BLOB column and index at the same time?


On Feb 19, 2008 5:20 PM, Mike Spreitzer <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> I am new to MySQL, and wonder if I have done something terribly stupid. 
> have an InnoDB table with 27 million rows.  Without thinking very much, 
> issued the following command through the GUI administration tool:
> ALTER TABLE `wyky`.`externallinks` ADD COLUMN `el_p2` BLOB  NOT NULL 
> `el_index`,
>  ADD INDEX `el_p2`(`el_p2`(150))
> Of course, all the values in this column will be the same.  The index
> will, if this ever completes, indicate that one value is associated with
> all 27E6 rows.  My primary question is, will this take O(27E6) time or
> something worse (e.g., O(27E6 squared) time)?
> Of course my plan is to eventually put some interesting data in that new
> column.  I do not really need the index until the data is there.
> This database is not being used on-line, this is just for study, so I do
> not mind large batch operations.  I just don't want to be grossly stupid
> in my choice of batch operations.
> My second question is: if I have indeed done something grossly stupid,
> what is the best (if there is any at all!) way to interrupt it and
> proceed.

If the table is bigger than memory, building the index will be very slow.

If you interrupt it, it's just going to roll back everything it's done
so far.  So you have the choice of either letting it finish and then
dropping the index, or killing it and letting it roll back.  (You
can't prevent the roll back, even if you restart).

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