
I have been researching to see if it's possible to have a MySQL database with 
it's data files on a cd-rom, but could use some help to determine if I have 
found out the full truth of what's possible.  I would appreciate any additional 
info people have to offer.

The situation I've been thinking about involves a MySQL database that is 
created and populated with data while the data files are in a directory on a 
regular hard drive.  The database server is then shutdown, the data files are 
burned to a CD-R, and then the CD-R is distributed to another person.  The 
person receiving the CD-R would have their installation of MySQL configured to 
access the data directly from the CD-R.  The person receiving the CD-R would 
only have read access to the data, of course, unless they copy the data to 
their own hard drive, but since read access is what is wanted, this would not 
be a problem.  An important factor is that the data is stored on a CD-R and the 
person receiving the data can use it directly from the CD-R without needing to 
copy it anywhere else.

I have found that using MyISAM as the storage engine appears to work, but was 
wondering if other storage engines could be used as well.  It appears from my 
attempts that InnoDB, Archive, and CSV cannot be used for the storage engines 
in this manner, but I thought that I may have overlooked something.

Once again, any additional info people have to offer would definitely be 
appreciated.  Thanks.

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