In fact my sql statement is like this:

"select b.customer_name Customer,a.sale_id DocNo,a.sale_date Date,a.prod_code 
Product,a.quantity Quantity,c.cost_price Cost,a.price Price, 
c.prod_description,,d.payMode from  sale_trans a,customer_master 
b,prod_master c,saletrans_cons d where a.sale_id=d.sale_id and d.cust_code = 
b.customer_code And a.prod_code = c.ProdBarcode And a.prod_code between 
'txtbarcodefm' and 'txtbarcodeto' and a.sale_date between 'dtFrom' and 'dtTo' 
and a.sbranchid between 'brNmfm' and 'brNmto' group by a.nuniqid order by 

The sale_id can be duplicate as different sbranchid can have same sale_id.  My 
problem is that it is displaying a.sale_id but different customer_name as it is 
taking sale_id from d and matching cust_code with b

The tables contains links as follows:
a contains sale_id
b contains cust_code
c contains prodbarcode
d contains sale_id,cust_code

Can you suggest any correction?



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