On Fri, Apr 18, 2008 at 7:06 PM, Ben Clewett <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Check the error.log on both server and client, should show where connected
> and disconnected.
> Or write a small program to execute SHOW SLAVE STATUS every minute and log
> the results.  Which I belive is done for you in the MySql dashboard program
> suit.
> Ben
> Kaushal Shriyan wrote:
> > Hi
> >
> > Is there a way to find out when the MySQL Slave has been restarted.
> >
> > Thanks and Regards
> >
> > Kaushal
> >
> >

I could see the restart in tail -f /var/log/mysql/mysqld.err file while
doing slave stop and slave start, but when i use mk-slave-restart -u root -p
test -h localhost --verbose. it gets hung.

Any clue

Thanks and Regards


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