Hi Ben
I running on Windows.  I think I need a solution where i can get the search 
time within my sql query.  Is this possible.  At the moment I;m running mysql 
server version 3.28

> Date: Wed, 14 May 2008 13:44:22 +0100> From: [EMAIL PROTECTED]> To: [EMAIL 
> PROTECTED]> CC: mysql@lists.mysql.com> Subject: Re: Query execution time - 
> MySQL> > Hi Neil,> > If your using Linux then you have to install the glib 
> RPM's in the usual > way. I don't know about other platforms, but I am sure 
> there will be a > version of glib out there...> > Also ensure the correct 
> include and link directives are in your > Makefile, which you can get (on 
> Linux) using the commands:> > # glib-config --cflags> # glib-config --libs> > 
> Ben> > Neil Tompkins wrote:> > Thanks Ben, but I don't appear to have the 
> header file <glib.h> in my > > libraries.> > > > Neil> > > > > > 
> ------------------------------------------------------------------------> > > 
> > > Date: Wed, 14 May 2008 12:39:09 +0100> > > From: [EMAIL PROTECTED]> > > 
> To: [EMAIL PROTECTED]> > > CC: [EMAIL PROTECTED]; mysql@lists.mysql.com> > > 
> Subject: Re: Query execution time - MySQL> > >> > > If you using C++ then you 
> can use this:> > >> > > 
> http://developer.gimp.org/api/2.0/glib/glib-Timers.html> > >> > > I use this 
> in my code, does an excelent job.> > >> > > Also you may want to look at the 
> 'slow log' in mysql which will show, to> > > the nearest second, the length 
> of queries....> > >> > > Ben> > >> > > Neil Tompkins wrote:> > > > Hi Craig,> 
> > > >> > > > Thanks for your detailed reply. Basically what I'm trying to > > 
> extract is the time taken from when I execute the mysql query in my C++ > > 
> Builder program until the time the query has finished.> > > >> > > > So my 
> question is can I build in to my SQL query SELECT Name FROM > > Customers the 
> time the query actually took or do I need to do this > > outside of my 
> query.> > > >> > > > Regards> > > > Neil> > > >> > > >> > > > Date: Wed, 14 
> May 2008 07:21:04 -0400From: > > [EMAIL PROTECTED]: [EMAIL PROTECTED]: Re: 
> Query > > execution time - MySQLCC: [EMAIL PROTECTED] Niel,Not > > much 
> detail there (but I'll go off what you provided...). Some people > > limit 
> the actual MySQL system for times it TAKES MySQL to execute > > queries. For 
> THIS to be accomplished, MySQL has built-in functionality > > to measure the 
> time is takes queries to take place so it can ... limit > > them. So, in 
> essence, I guess we can extract that data and get it back > > to you for 
> whatever usage statistic you are looking to measure. ( See: > > 
> http://www.bigresource.com/MYSQL-what-is-execution-time-of-a-query-based-on-was-a-mysql-question--0PxW0B3P.html
>  > > ) or for usage in JDBC by calling the setQueryTimeout() function of a > 
> > Statement object...and so forth.HOWEVER - Just so you know, if you > > 
> execute the query MANUALLY via the command-line of MySQL it will tell > > you 
> how long the query took. Just use normal SQL syntax, execute> > > the query 
> on the table and VOILA! Your answer:mysql queryormysqlrun > > the query (use 
> the below quoted/threaded example as a starting place to > > write your own 
> query...?)Take a look at this thread (it basically > > explains the answer 
> with a bit more detail on what the output will > > 
> be):http://forums.mysql.com/read.php?108,51989,142404#msg-142404> > > > 
> SELECT * FROM user_log; 15113 rows fetched in 5.3274s (0.1498s) > > SELECT 
> BENCHMARK(100000000, RAND()); 1 row fetched in 0.0505s (13.2676s) > > I 
> believe the results are the following: The first number is the time it > > 
> took MySQL server to send the result set to the client. The second > > number 
> (in parens) is the time it took MySQL server to execute the query > > 
> itself.> > > > TOTAL TIME will EQUAL A + B (for total time it took on your > 
> > server/P.C. or wherever you are running the query...). Many things come > > 
> into factoring why it takes longer or shorter. So this is why I asked if > > 
> you are attempting to optimize or what not, but that is whole new story. > > 
> (( ----> What Operating System are you running? This would be helpful to > > 
> give you the step-by-step, so to speak. Or perhaps provide us with a bit > > 
> more information***Also, if you are looking to perhaps make it so > > queries 
> take shorter times (optimization effort) to execute a little bit > > more 
> about your MySQL database setup and machine(s) would be beneficial > > to us 
> as well. ))Let me know if you have any questions.Standing by and I > > hope 
> this helped you.Sincerely,Craig Huffstetlerxq on FreeNode #mysql | > > 
> #apache> > > > On Wed, May 14, 2008 at 6:13 AM, Neil Tompkins > > <[EMAIL 
> PROTECTED]> wrote:> > > > Hi,When performing a SQL query like SELECT Name 
> FROM Customers. How > > do I obtain the time in which the query took to 
> execute like 1.5 seconds > > 
> etcThanks,Neil_________________________________________________________________All
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> http://lists.mysql.com/mysql> > > To unsubscribe: > > 
> http://lists.mysql.com/[EMAIL PROTECTED]> > >> > > > > > 
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