We have 200GB of free space on the file system where our database is

On 6/12/08, Ken Menzel <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Ananda Kumar wrote:
>> Hi All,
>> We are doing load data into a table using LOAD DATA INFILE process. Below
>> is
>> the method we are following.
>> 1. create empty table with all the indexes.
>> 2. disable keys
>> 3. Load data using LOAD DATA INFILE, close to 99 Million records which
>> takes
>> around 3 hrs
>> 4 . Enable keys
>> Table size is around 19.5 gb
>> There is one primary key, 2 non unique indexes and one FULLTEXT INDEX.
>> Enable kyes goes fine for couple of hrs with "REPAIR BY TMP", but then
>> switches to "REPAIR BY KEYCACHE" and writes a log in the error log
>> file  "Warning:
>> Enabling keys got errno 28, retrying"
>> What could be the problem.
>> System has 8 cpu and 16GB RAM
>> I have set myisam_max_sort_file_size=98GB
>> myisam_sort_buffer_size=750MB.
>> /tmp folder has 16GB free space.
>> please let me know, this problem is causing lot of dealy for other process
>> to run.
>> regards
>> anandkl
>> barclay# perror 28
> OS error code  28:  No space left on device
> I would say you are running out of space.

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