
as the sub says I have a dump of a 50GB (MYD/60GB MYI) table I need to load
on another server.

I guess the bigger question is how can I optimize this, particularly the
index builds?  I had always thought is was best in these cases to create the
table w/o any indexes, load the rows then create the keys but watching
what's happening on the filesystem makes me suspect MySQL's rebuilding the
entire table and previously created indexes with each incremental index
added - is this the case?  I see that mysqldump puts all the keys in the
create table statement (vs. Oracle exp which creates them post-rows) which
would seem to imply it's better to extended insert with existing indexes vs
creating them afterward...

bottom line:  how do I optimize this load (my.cnf settings, deferred index
build [or not], etc)?  I have the box completely to myself so nothing's off
the table...


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