It's highly unlikely hardware upgrades are needed unless you're on a really
underpowered machine.  How similar are the queries on the other machines?
The "limit" clause won't reduce the time taken to do the join and grouping,
it will only reduce the amount of output.

Also, I assumeyou have indexes on p.RecordReference, pc.RecordReference,
pc.rowtype, and p.feedid, otherwise you'll be doing table scans.  Are the
indexes up-to-date, ie have you run analyze or optimize table to be sure
they're balanced?  I found that analyze out-of-date stats can make a HUGE
difference in performance.

Also, look at the memory set aside for joins in "join_buffer_size".

On Thu, Sep 4, 2008 at 9:38 AM, mos <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> At 02:49 PM 9/3/2008, Jim Leavitt wrote:
>> Hi Mike,
>> Yes sometimes,  the application is an online book selection tool with
>> about 1 million titles in it.  Now the queries which return 100,000 rows
>> would be something like returning all titles from a given publisher. Most of
>> the common searches are fairly quick (1-5 sec).  But this was a specific
>> example given to me.  As you can imaging we're joining on many tables to
>> pull author data, publication data, etc and displaying it all on a detail
>> page.  An example query is.  (note: this is on a development box with
>> nothing else on it)
>> SELECT p.Title FROM products AS p LEFT JOIN productcontributors AS pc ON
>> p.RecordReference = pc.RecordReference WHERE pc.rowtype = "PR8" AND p.feedid
>> = "5" GROUP BY LIMIT 0,10;
>> returns
>> 10 rows in set (42.12 sec).
>> (Total of 194557 rows found.)
>> Now we've never dealt with anything like this before, but there are other
>> sites returning similar counts fairly quickly.  The only thing I can think
>> of is hardware.  What hardware upgrades would you recommend?  Would it even
>> help? Would clustering be an option here?
>> Any advice is greatly appreciated.
>> Thanks much.
> Jim,
>     The problem is likely your index is not defined properly. Use an
> "Explain" in front of the query to see if it can use just one index from
> each table.
> I would try building a compound index on
> Products: (RecordReference, FeedId)
> ProductContributors: (RecordReference, RowType)
> This should get it to execute the join and where clause using just one
> index from each table. Give that a try and see if it speeds things up. :)
> Mike
>  On 3-Sep-08, at 3:02 PM, mos wrote:
>>  Jim,
>>>     Retrieving 100,000 rows will always take some time. Do you really
>>> need to return that many rows? Are you selecting just the columns you need?
>>> What are the slow queries?
>>> Mike
>>> At 12:05 PM 9/3/2008, Jim Leavitt wrote:
>>>> Greetings List,
>>>> We have a medium-large size database application which we are trying
>>>> to optimize and I have a few questions.
>>>> Server Specs
>>>> 1 Dual Core 2.6 Ghz
>>>> 2GB Ram
>>>> Database Specs
>>>> 51 Tables
>>>> Min 100000 rows, Max 1000000 rows
>>>> Total size approx 2GB
>>>> My.cnf
>>>> [mysqld]
>>>> set-variable=local-infile=0
>>>> log-slow-queries=slow-queries.log
>>>> datadir=/var/lib/mysql
>>>> socket=/var/lib/mysql/mysql.sock
>>>> old_passwords=1
>>>> key_buffer = 512M
>>>> max_allowed_packet=4M
>>>> sort_buffer_size = 512M
>>>> read_buffer_size = 512M
>>>> read_rnd_buffer_size = 256M
>>>> record_buffer = 256M
>>>> myisam_sort_buffer_size = 512M
>>>> thread_cache = 128
>>>> query_cache_limit = 1M
>>>> query_cache_type = 1
>>>> query_cache_size = 32M
>>>> join_buffer = 512M
>>>> table_cache = 512
>>>> We are having trouble with certain queries which are returning
>>>> anywhere from 100000 - 300000 rows.  Total query time is taking approx
>>>> 1 - 2 mins depending on load.  Is there anything in our conf file
>>>> which could improve our performance?  Are there any hardware
>>>> recommendations that could help us improve the speed?  Would more
>>>> memory help us?  Any comments or recommendations are greatly
>>>> appreciated.
>>>> Thanks much.
>>>> Jim Leavitt
>>>> Developer
>>>> Treefrog Interactive Inc. (<>
>>>> "Bringing the Internet to Life"
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>> Jim Leavitt
>> Developer
>> Treefrog Interactive Inc. (<>
>> "Bringing the Internet to Life"
>> ph: 905-836-4442 ext 104
>> fx: 905-895-6561
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Jim Lyons
Web developer / Database administrator

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