Appreciate the suggestions, some of which I've done. The processlist typically just shows the known PHP command-line scripts that run. Maybe 8-10 on average, 20 max.

Here's a strange thing: If I stop all the requests to MySQL (shut down Apache, and exit all the commandline PHP scripts), MySQL's CPU usage remains high. So... no processes in MySQL, nothing hitting the database, yet MySQL CPU stays stuck at 60-70%.

If I shutdown MySQL and restart, it's normal again.

Weird, no?

On 23-Sep-08, at 3:47 PM, Doug Bridgens wrote:

it's all a bit too general, we could be asking continual questions until someone asks the right one.

However, I would put some debugging into the 30% scripts to check they complete before the next one starts, as if one script takes slightly longer (especially if the queries are the same) to complete then the rest build up quickly. Something else could be locking the table that your cron queries are trying to access, causing the stacking that never recovers.

Once the problem occurs I'd be using 'show processlist' in mysql, and vmstat and ps to check the system resources. Is it definitely mysql, or php/apache, a slow disk, etc..

In terms of your stats below, I have (on a fairly average spec server) 500 queries per second and 2000 open tables. So, unless it's a PC or very badly tuned, it should be fine.


On 23 Sep 2008, at 14:16, Rene Fournier wrote:

10% of queries are web-based (Apache/PHP).
30% of queries are from command-line PHP scripts that get executed (average 1/second -- they end with mysql_close() btw). 60% of queries are from command-line PHP scripts that run continuously (in a loop, with sleep()), acting on incoming socket data.


On 23-Sep-08, at 2:20 PM, Jeffrey Santos wrote:


How are you querying the database during normal use? What kind of applications are you using?

~Jeffrey Santos

On Mon, Sep 22, 2008 at 2:46 PM, Rene Fournier <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote: Uptime: 1054977 Threads: 10 Questions: 15576766 Slow queries: 229 Opens: 489 Flush tables: 1 Open tables: 483 Queries per second avg: 14.765


I know what the slow queries are--some that take 20-30 seconds to compute, and they are normal. The number of open tables seems high, no? The database that gets 95% of the load has ~35 tables in total.

As for cron jobs, I have a number of command-line PHP scripts that perform regular queries. They've been running for about 10 days now. The current high CPU state started a couple days ago.

On 22-Sep-08, at 8:30 PM, Martin Gainty wrote:

curious if you have any cron jobs starting to execute?

what does mysqladmin status show ?

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> To:
> Subject: Ancient, unsolved high-CPU problem
> Date: Mon, 22 Sep 2008 19:41:25 +0200

> For the longest time, I've had a strange problem with MySQL.
> Basically, after a certain amount of time--sometimes a few days,
> sometimes a couple weeks--its CPU usage will go from a steady 20-30% > to 80-90%. Actual load and number of queries is the same, nothing else
> changes.
> If I shutdown MySQL and restart it (not the server), CPU% goes back to
> normal. What could this be?
> (Xserve G5 2GHz, 8GB, 3x250GB RAID5, Mac OS X 10.4.11, MySQL 5.0.51a)
> ...Rene
> --
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