From: Andy Shellam <andy-li...@networkmail.eu>
To: Lamp Lists <lamp.li...@yahoo.com>
Cc: mysql@lists.mysql.com
Sent: Wednesday, December 17, 2008 2:48:31 PM
Subject: Re: need help with query...


> Hi Andy,
> the reason I can't use this because fields (columns) in select statement 
> (p.first_name, p.last_name,...) are actually dynamically created. In my 
> project different client will select different fields to be shown. 99% will 
> select first_name, and last_name, but some don't care about date_registered, 
> some will need more org data...
> actually, it will be more this way:
> SELECT {$selected_fields} FROM people p, organization o. addresses a
> WHERE ...
> where
> $selected_fields = "p.first_name, p.last_name, o.org_name"
> or
> $selected_fields = "p.first_name, p.last_name, o.org_name, a.address, a.city, 
> a.state, a.zip"
> or
> $selected_fields = "o.org_name, a.address, a.city, a.state, a.zip"

So just tag "AS table_field_name" to each field when you're building your list 
of $selected_fields - e.g.

$selected_fields = "p.first_name AS person_first_name, p.last_name AS 
person_last_name, o.org_name AS organization_org_name"

You don't have to use the full table name either - for example in the following 
statement, you would then access the data using $result['p']['first_name'];

$selected_fields = "p.first_name AS p_first_name, p.last_name AS p_last_name, 
o.org_name AS o_org_name"

This approach is actually easier if you're creating the query dynamically, 
because you don't have to manually type a load of "AS xxx" statements after 
every field.

I've recently done something similar in one of my applications to wrap 
date/time fields in either FROM_UNIXTIME() or UNIX_TIMESTAMP() functions.


Yup! That'll do it!

Thanks Andy


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