Hi Stefano,

I believe that, different mysql configuration file for different mysql
instance is a better idea. In your case, if any thing goes wrong with my.cnf
Then, it is going to effect all mysql instance (either restart mysql server
or any other way). It has a lots of disadvantages.

You might be using mysql_multi to manage mysql instance (restart, start,

As, you told me. You have 1 general my.cnf and three different my.cnf for
mysql instance. In one of my.cnf  add and try

# Remove the next comment character if you are not familiar with SQL
prompt          = 'mysql5.1.30> '

But again, if you are connecting with socket then it will not show the
changed prompt. Try, to connect using defaults-file.

I feel that connecting to mysql server using socket is not reading the
configuration file. i mean to say the it's using default available to it.

Krishna Chandra Prajapati

On Tue, Dec 23, 2008 at 5:14 PM, Stefano Elmopi

> Hi Krishna,
> the problem is that you use --default-file on the command line and in this
> mode it's working fine,
> I also tried,
> but I have the configuration of the variable "default-file" in the general
> my.cnf and I enter in MySQL
> in this way:
> mysql --socket=/tmp/mysql50_SIA_SVILUPPO.sock
> Welcome to the MySQL monitor.  Commands end with ; or \g.
> Your MySQL connection id is 1408
> Server version: 5.0.51b-log Source distribution
> Type 'help;' or '\h' for help. Type '\c' to clear the buffer.
> mysql>
> in my case the prompt doesn't change
> Il giorno 23/dic/08, alle ore 11:01, Krishna Chandra Prajapati ha scritto:
> Hi Stefano,
> I have tested. It's working fine without any issue.
> Open mysql configuration(.cnf) file referencing to 1st mysql instance. Add
> the below entires and restart the mysql server.
> [mysql]
> no-auto-rehash
> # Remove the next comment character if you are not familiar with SQL
> #safe-updates
> prompt          = 'mysql5.1.30> '
> [r...@linux18 ~]# mysql --defaults-file=/etc/my1.cnf
> Welcome to the MySQL monitor.  Commands end with ; or \g.
> Your MySQL connection id is 1
> Server version: 5.1.30 Source distribution
> Type 'help;' or '\h' for help. Type '\c' to clear the buffer.
> mysql5.1.30>
> Thanks,
> -Krishna Chandra Prajapati
> On Tue, Dec 23, 2008 at 2:00 PM, Stefano Elmopi <stefano.elm...@sociale.it
> > wrote:
>> Hi Krishna,
>> thanks for the your answer !!!
>> I have three different my.cnf for my three instances but one general
>> my.cnf to manage all instances,
>> my general my.cnf is:
>> [mysqld_multi]
>> mysqld     = /opt/local/mysql50/bin/mysqld_safe
>> mysqladmin = /opt/local/mysql50/bin/mysqladmin
>> user = root
>> password = mysys2008srv
>> log = /MYSQL/MYSQL_LOG/Mysqld_Multi_Log/mysqld_multi.log
>> ##-------------------------------
>> ##--------------------------
>> [mysqld01]
>> defaults-file = /etc/mysql.config/my50_SIA.cnf
>> socket     = /tmp/mysql50_SIA.sock
>> port       = 3307
>> pid-file   = /DB_MYSQL_PRODUZIONE/MYSQL50/SIA/mysql50_SIA.pid
>> ##-------------------------------
>> [mysqld02]
>> defaults-file = /etc/mysql.config/my50_IPPOFONO.cnf
>> socket     = /tmp/mysql50_IPPOFONO.sock
>> port       = 3306
>> ###############################################################################
>> ##-----------------------------
>> ##------------------------
>> [mysqld11]
>> defaults-file = /etc/mysql.config/my50_SIA_SVILUPPO.cnf
>> socket     = /tmp/mysql50_SIA_SVILUPPO.sock
>> port       = 3317
>> pid-file   =
>> but if I put the variable prompt in the specific my.cnf (for
>> example /etc/mysql.config/my50_SIA_SVILUPPO.cnf),the prompt doesn't
>> change !!!!
>> By
>> Il giorno 22/dic/08, alle ore 11:59, Krishna Chandra Prajapati ha scritto:
>> Hi Stefano,
>> You are running three mysql instance on single server. You can have three
>> my.cnf say my.cnf, my1.cnf, my2.cnf with different port and socket and other
>> information in them. In this way you can set the prompt for different
>> instance.
>> On Mon, Dec 22, 2008 at 3:46 PM, Stefano Elmopi <
>> stefano.elm...@sociale.it> wrote:
>>> I need advice.
>>> I have three instances of MySQL on a single server.
>>> How can I change the MySQL prompt depending of the instance on which
>>> connecting ?
>>> If I put the variable prompt in the general my.cnf, the prompt is changed
>>> but for all instances.
>>> If I put in the variable prompt in the my.cnf associated with the
>>> instance
>>> in the [mysql] section, the prompt does not change.
>>> Thanks
>>> Ing. Stefano Elmopi
>>> Gruppo Darco - Area ICT Sistemi
>>> Via Ostiense 131/L Corpo B, 00154 Roma
>>> cell. 3466147165
>>> tel.  0657060500
>>> email:stefano.elm...@sociale.it <email%3astefano.elm...@sociale.it>
>>> --
>>> MySQL General Mailing List
>>> For list archives: http://lists.mysql.com/mysql
>>> To unsubscribe:
>>> http://lists.mysql.com/mysql?unsub=prajapat...@gmail.com
>> --
>> Krishna Chandra Prajapati
>> Mob: 9912924044
>> Email-id: prajapat...@gmail.com
>>  Ing. Stefano Elmopi
>> Gruppo Darco - Area ICT Sistemi
>> Via Ostiense 131/L Corpo B, 00154 Roma
>> cell. 3466147165
>> tel.  0657060500
>> email:stefano.elm...@sociale.it
> --
> Krishna Chandra Prajapati
> Ed Ventures e-Learning Pvt.Ltd.
> 1-8-303/48/15, Sindhi Colony
> P.G.Road, Secunderabad.
> Pin Code: 500003
> Office Number: 040-66489771
> Mob: 9912924044
> URL: ed-ventures-online.com
> Email-id: prajapat...@gmail.com
> Ing. Stefano Elmopi
> Gruppo Darco - Area ICT Sistemi
> Via Ostiense 131/L Corpo B, 00154 Roma
> cell. 3466147165
> tel.  0657060500
> email:stefano.elm...@sociale.it

Krishna Chandra Prajapati
Ed Ventures e-Learning Pvt.Ltd.
1-8-303/48/15, Sindhi Colony
P.G.Road, Secunderabad.
Pin Code: 500003
Office Number: 040-66489771
Mob: 9912924044
URL: ed-ventures-online.com
Email-id: prajapat...@gmail.com

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