> If you are finding replication stops after a reboot then I think you have a
> serious problem, but don't know what that might be. Post some more info and
> someone on the list can probably help,
> just a 'skip-slave-start' in my.cnf does the trick.

2> Is there a way to get a slave to automatically re-connect as the
slave without having to know the masters binlog and position?  Each
time it reboots I have to manually add it back in with the change
master to ... command.

if you do NOT have 'skip-slave-start' in the my.cnf replication starts
what is the output of SHOW SLAVE STATUS\G after a reboot?
if you do not have an empty set and SQL and IO thread are NOT running you
probably have 'skip-slave-start' in the config file.


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