I had MySQL 4.0.
Today i downloaded the recent version, mysql5.12.32-Win32 installer.
I deleted the older verison of mysql that i had. I didnt have any data there
and thus no upgrade was needed as such.
I used typical install option and after the install i used the standard
configuration for the server configuration wizard. i typed the password
required and the problems started.

1. It couldnot install mysql as a service, named MySQL, although there is no
service with that name. i checked with the service option in control panel.

2. I went back and installed it with the service name MySQL5. This time, it
installed the service, but could not apply the security setting and
terminated with the error, saying root doesnot have the permission to log on
from localhost.

3. I opened the command line clien from the start menu. It asked for the
password, i typed it in and the interface disappeared.

I uninstalled and then installed it again a couple of times, but one or the
other erroe kept reccuring. I'm still havent been able to use MySQL.

Please Help.

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