Hi Roland,
I wanted to know if you face the sae problems that i've faced or u get
somethng else.

@ Ian
I've already done that. I will do what Roland told me to, lets hope i have
some luck this time around.

On Wed, Mar 25, 2009 at 2:15 AM, Rolando Edwards <redwa...@logicworks.net>wrote:

> Ever since MySQL 5.0.27, I have never been able to install the MySQL
> Service either.
> I think this has something to do with the way Microsoft compiles its OS
> Services.
> I use the "no installer" version now.
> 1. Go to a DOS Window and create a directory called C:\ MySQL_5.1.32
> 2. Click Start, Run, and type Open : C:\ MySQL_5.1.32. This will open a
> Windows Explorer Window in that new empty Folder.
> 3. Download mysql-noinstall-5.1.32.zip to the Windows Desktop
> 4. Open the mysql-noinstall-5.1.32.zip and another Windows Explorer window
> opens up containing the folder 'mysql-noinstall-5.1.32-win32'
> 5. Double click that 'mysql-noinstall-5.1.32-win32' folder and another
> window shows the folders 'bin','data','Docs' and so forth.
> 6. Select all files and folders by hitting Ctrl-A
> 7. Drag and Drop those selected files and folders into the 'C:\
> MySQL_5.1.32' Window
> 8. Right-click on 'My Computer', and click on 'Properties'
> 9. Click on the Advanced Tab
> 10. Click the Environment Variables button
> 11. Scroll the bottom listbox to the PATH variable
> 12. Double Click the PATH variable
> 13. Append ';C:\MySQL_5.1.32' to the PATH variable
> 14. Click OK 3 times
> 15. In the 'C:\MySQL_5.1.32' Window, copy 'my-small' to 'my' (In other
> words, copy mysql-small.ini to my.ini)
>        If you do not do this, you will be starting mysqld with all server
> defaults
> 16. Create a DOS Batch File called start_mysqld.bat with the following
> lines    @echo off
>        set MYSQL_HOME=C:\MySQL_5.1.32
>        set MYSQL_BIN=%MYSQL_HOME%\bin
>        echo %MYSQL_BIN%
>        cd %MYSQL_BIN%
>        pause (This line is optional)
>        start mysqld
> 17. Create a DOS Batch File called stop_mysqld.bat with the following lines
>        @echo off
>        set MYSQL_HOME=C:\MySQL_5.1.32
>        set MYSQL_BIN=%MYSQL_HOME%\bin
>        %MYSQL_BIN%\mysqladmin -uroot shutdown
> 18. Create a ShortCut for both batch files and place them on the Desktop
> 19. Double Click the ShortCut for start_mysqld.bat
>        This should start up mysqld
>        Open the task manager and look for 'mysqld.exe'
> 20. Goto a new DOS Window and type 'mysql -uroot'
>        You should be mysql now.
> If you got to this point successfully, have fun from here !!!
> Rolando A. Edwards
> 155 Avenue of the Americas, Fifth Floor
> New York, NY 10013
> 212-625-5307 (Work)
> 201-660-3221 (Cell)
> AIM : RolandoLogicWorx
> Skype : RolandoLogicWorx
> redwa...@logicworks.net
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Manish Gupta [mailto:manish.in....@gmail.com]
> Sent: Tuesday, March 24, 2009 4:05 PM
> To: mysql@lists.mysql.com
> Subject: Installation Problems
> I had MySQL 4.0.
> Today i downloaded the recent version, mysql5.12.32-Win32 installer.
> I deleted the older verison of mysql that i had. I didnt have any data
> there
> and thus no upgrade was needed as such.
> I used typical install option and after the install i used the standard
> configuration for the server configuration wizard. i typed the password
> required and the problems started.
> 1. It couldnot install mysql as a service, named MySQL, although there is
> no
> service with that name. i checked with the service option in control panel.
> 2. I went back and installed it with the service name MySQL5. This time, it
> installed the service, but could not apply the security setting and
> terminated with the error, saying root doesnot have the permission to log
> on
> from localhost.
> 3. I opened the command line clien from the start menu. It asked for the
> password, i typed it in and the interface disappeared.
> I uninstalled and then installed it again a couple of times, but one or the
> other erroe kept reccuring. I'm still havent been able to use MySQL.
> Please Help.

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