
I've read through all of the MySQL docs on SSL and I just need a brief overview of a few things to understand some things that aren't crystal clear to me since I'm not very familiar with SSL.

1) Which SSL options are *required*?

It seems that only ssl-key is _always_ required for the client to connect to the server. If REQUIRE X509 is set, then ssl-cert is required as well in order to authenticate who the actual client is, right?

2) The options I don't understand are ssl-ca/ssl-capath. Why would the client specify a certificate authority? Is this the authority (or authorities) that's used to authenticate the server's certificate? Is there a platform default for this value? I'm not used to having to specify a list of authorities for other programs to validate certificates (such as with email).

3) How does I know if the server/client authentication (validating the certificate against given authorities) failed? Do I just get a vague "SSL connection error" back from MySQL and that's it?

I think that's mostly it.


Seth Willits

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