On 10 Jul 2009, at 17:18, mos wrote:

Is there a Windows application that works like
phpMyAdmin? I tried MySQLAdmin on my Linux system, but I could not cut and
paste SQL Commands into the editor.

You could run php (and thus phpmyadmin) on windows - in contrast with earlier versions, 5.3 is actually pretty good.

Try SQLYog since it is my favorite. Download the free community edition at http://www.webyog.com/en/downloads.php#sqlyog

The problem I've had with every GUI MySQL client I've tried is that they attempt to download whole tables on a regular basis. If you have large tables that makes them completely unusable. FileMaker Pro does the same thing too. phpMyAdmin is the only one I've found that's reliable and immune to that particular problem. There are probably X apps you could run remotely that could solve the same problem, though not for Windows.

Marcus Bointon
Synchromedia Limited: Creators of http://www.smartmessages.net/
UK resellers of i...@hand CRM solutions
mar...@synchromedia.co.uk | http://www.synchromedia.co.uk/

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