I've been using automysqlbackup 2.5 for years on a particular database, and 
it's always performed great. Recently, however, I've become encountering 
problems when trying to re-import one of its dumped sql files. (Not sure if it 
matters, but the database file in question is large and growing -- about 10GB. 
The other databases automysqlbackup backs up are fine.)

Basically on the import, MySQL fails and returns an error indicating a problem 
with the dump file:

mysql -u root -p < dump_file.sql  (~10GB) 
Enter password: 
ERROR 1300 (HY000) at line 426: Invalid utf8 character string: '?03422'

Sure enough, I look at the line in dump_file.sql, which should contain two 
unsigned ints, and two unsigned small ints:


And yup, there's a question mark in the middle of the second unsigned int, for 
some strange reason. Not in any of the other rows in that statement. When I 
look at the existing database from which the dump file was made, that row is 

mysql> SELECT * FROM bandwidth WHERE id = 32562206;
| id       | time_sec   | device_id | bytes |
| 32562206 | 1228803422 |      1641 |   135 |
1 row in set (0.00 sec)

So... It appears either mysqldump and/or automysqlbackup is having a problem 
dumping a true copy of the database.

Anyone else run into this sort of thing? Any suggestions? Thanks.


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