
This is my first post, and could use some points of view on the subject.
Have a project that will have several languages for its records, for places,
for example, whose names and descriptions will be in 3 languages.

Have already read several sites about it but always end up with several

1 - Tables for each language: places_pt, places_en, places_es, with fields:
id, name, description; Seems superfluous, but will leave less records on
each table, although adding a great amount of tables, the more languages i

2 - Rows for each language: id, lang, name, description - the field "lang"
will have "pt", "en" or "es", and when displaying, i will have to lookup the
active language and get the proper record; Will add tremendously to the
record #;

3 - Fields for each language: table "places", with fields: id, name_pt,
name_en, name_es, description_pt,description_en,description_es - not likely
to add a new language, but still adding new field adds complexity.

Is there a "proper" way to do things? Any usual way of handling several
languages on a project? Any help is highly appreciated, thanks.


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