Victor Subervi wrote:

You're so complimentary! Wouldn't it have been better to simply suggest FKs?

I think the reason the other poster was so harsh is because others have suggested the right way to do it, if not in a lot of detail, and you have just argued with them. Since I'm not in the mood to work on my project I will give you an overview of my shopping cart process and data structure.

I have the following tables. Order

In the order table I have the following fields.
OrderID -- unique auto inc key
Status -- int to indicate if the order is in progress, processed shipped etc. (use whatever set of statuses you need) UserID -- this links to the user placing the order can be set to 0 if the shopper doesn't want an account on this site. OpenDate -- date and time the order was started (comes in handy to see what is going on later down the road)
CloseDate -- date and time the order is finished.
TimeStamp -- auto update timestamp every time the order is modified. (that way you can delete orders that are older than a certain age if you like) Any other date time fields to track with various status points are reached depending on your needs.

Payment Table. This table exists separate from the Order table for 2 reasons. 1: I like to keep it separate. 2: if you provide the option to pay over time for something like a service or whatever this structure allows you to have multiple payment records for each order. Fields include.
PaymentID --   auto inc key
OrderID -- link to the order.
Status -- same as above but different uses.
Amount -- Amount of the payment.
SubmitDate -- Date and time order was submitted
ProcessedDate -- Date and time payment was processed (may be the same as submitted if done in real time you decide if you need it) Other Payment fields as required CC Number persons name address etc. This way if the user making the order doesn't have an account on the system you can store all that information in here.
TimeStamp --- just for good measure.

Cart table stores what people are buying or have bought depending on if the associated order is closed.
CartItemID -- auto inc key
OrderID -- link to order. Before you can add an item to the cart you need to create an order record first.
StuffID -- link to item they are buying.
Qty -- quantity they want to buy.
Price -- current price of item (save here because it can change over time and you will want to know what they payed for it when the order was placed. Discount -- if you are giving some discount save that here or just leave it as 0. Cost -- What they will actually pay for the qty of StuffID they want. (with Price and Discount you can see why the cost is what it is.)
DateAdded -- Date time they added the item.

You can calculate cost in a query if you like but storing it here makes queries easier and I prefer to store an ID number for discount and look up the amount of the discount in a discount table. Since the amount of the discount in that record could change over time (bad idea to me but it could happen) so that way having the final cost stored is handy. You may want to structure it differently depending on the way discounts work especially if there are qty discounts.
User Table
UserID -- auto inc key
UserName -- put a unique key on this. (using a separate UserID auto inc key lets you change the user name if you want, which will happen. I let users change their UserName on all of my web sites, don't know why everyone doesn't do this)
blah blah blah whatever you want to store about the user.

User Address this table stores various shipping and billing information about your users so you can auto fill the payment table at the end of the order.
UserAddressID -- auto inc key
UserID -- link to user.
AddressType -- I.E. Shipping or billing
Address Name -- so they can say if the shipping address is say for home or work or aunt Jane's house.
AddressLine1 --
AddressLine2 --
whatever else you need like phone number etc.

Stuff To Buy table. This last table is very simplified and in most cases would require other tables.
StuffID -- auto inc key

So now in case it's not obvious we are using foreign keys to link tables in the following manner.
Order to Cart -- One to Many
Order to Payment   -- One to Many or One to One depending on what you need.
User to Order -- One to Many
StuffToBuy to Cart One to Many
User to UserAddress One to Many

Just in case: Order to Cart -- One to Many means that "One" Order record can link to "Many" cart records, this link is created by storing the OrderID (foreign key) in the Cart table. Though it's not needed in the system as described above a "Many to Many" link requires a table to link to tables together having the two keys in it that relate to the two tables being linked.

That's it for me tonight, everyone feel free to criticize at will.

Chris W

p.s. I don't mean to discourage the criticizing but a few notes about the way I do things. Keys are always auto inc. I never "attempt" to find some "real" data to use as a unique key (very bad idea to me) I always use the same name for my Keys in the parent and child table (why do you think the "NATURAL JOIN" syntax exists :)
Ok let the criticizing begin :)

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