Yes: YMMV. Caveat emptor. Don't switch to a product you don't know.

If you need nothing that MySQL doesn't offer, it may be a good fit for you.
If you need features that it doesn't offer, it may not be a good fit for
you. News at eleven.

On Thu, Jan 28, 2010 at 11:21 AM, changuno <> wrote:

> Hi folks,
> Read a blog which states 50 things to know before migrating from Oracle to
> MySQL. Any comments on this?
> &nbsp;&nbsp; 1. Subqueries are poorly optimized.
> &nbsp;&nbsp; 2. Complex queries are a weak point.
> &nbsp;&nbsp; 3. The query executioner (aka query optimizer / planner) is
> less sophisticated.
> &nbsp;&nbsp; 4. Performance tuning and metrics capabilities are limited.
> &nbsp;&nbsp; 5. There is limited ability to audit.
> &nbsp;&nbsp; 6. Security is unsophisticated, even crude. There are no
> groups or roles, no ability to deny a privilege (you can only grant
> &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; privileges). A user who logs in with
> the same username and password from different network addresses may be
> treated as a completely separate user. There is no built-in encryption
> comparable to Oracle.
> &nbsp;&nbsp; 7. Authentication is built-in. There is no LDAP, Active
> Directory, or other external authentication capability.
> &nbsp;&nbsp; 8. Clustering is not what you think it is.
> &nbsp;&nbsp; 9. Stored procedures and triggers are limited.
> &nbsp; 10. Vertical scalability is poor.
> &nbsp; 11. There is zero MPP support.
> &nbsp; 12. SMP is supported, but MySQL doesn’t scale well to more than 4 or
> 8 cores/CPUs.
> &nbsp; 13. There is no fractional-second storage type for times, dates, or
> intervals.
> &nbsp; 14. The language used to write stored procedures, triggers,
> scheduled events, and stored functions is very limited.
> &nbsp; 15. There is no roll-back recovery. There is only roll-forward
> recovery.
> &nbsp; 16. There is no support for snapshots.
> &nbsp; 17. There is no support for database links. There is something
> called the Federated storage engine that acts as a relay by passing queries
> along to a table on a remote server, but it is crude and buggy.
> &nbsp; 18. Data integrity checking is very weak, and even basic integrity
> constraints cannot always be enforced.
> &nbsp; 19. There are very few optimizer hints to tune query execution
> plans.
> &nbsp; 20. There is only one type of join plan: nested-loop. There are no
> sort-merge joins or hash joins.
> &nbsp; 21. Most queries can use only a single index per table; some
> multi-index query plans exist in certain cases, but the cost is usually
> underestimated by the query optimizer, and they are often slower than a
> table scan.
> &nbsp; 22. There are no bitmap indexes. Each storage engine supports
> different types of indexes. Most engines support B-Tree indexes.
> &nbsp; 23. There are fewer and less sophisticated tools for administration.
> &nbsp; 24. There is no IDE and debugger that approaches the level of
> sophistication you may be accustomed to. You’ll probably be writing your
> stored procedures in a text editor and debugging them by adding statements
> that insert rows into a table called debug_log.
> &nbsp; 25. Each table can have a different storage backend (”storage
> engine”).
> &nbsp; 26. Each storage engine can have widely varying behavior, features,
> and properties.
> &nbsp; 27. Foreign keys are not supported in most storage engines.
> &nbsp; 28. The default storage engine is non-transactional and corrupts
> easily.
> &nbsp; 29. Oracle owns InnoDB, the most advanced and popular storage
> engine.
> &nbsp; 30. Certain types of execution plans are only supported in some
> storage engines. Certain types of COUNT() queries execute instantly in some
> storage engines and slowly in others.
> &nbsp; 31. Execution plans are not cached globally, only per-connection.
> &nbsp; 32. Full-text search is limited and only available for
> non-transactional storage backends. Ditto for GIS/spatial types and queries.
> &nbsp; 33. There are no resource controls. A completely unprivileged user
> can effortlessly run the server out of memory and crash it, or use up all
> CPU resources.
> &nbsp; 34. There are no integrated or add-on business intelligence, OLAP
> cube, etc packages.
> &nbsp; 35. There is nothing analogous to Grid Control.
> &nbsp; 36. There is nothing even remotely like RAC. If you are asking “How
> do I build RAC with MySQL,” you are asking the wrong question.
> &nbsp; 37. There are no user-defined types or domains.
> &nbsp; 38. The number of joins per query is limited to 61.
> &nbsp; 39. MySQL supports a smaller subset of SQL syntax. There are no
> recursive queries, common table expressions, or windowing functions. There
> are a few extensions to SQL that are somewhat analogous to MERGE and similar
> features, but are very simplistic in comparison.
> &nbsp; 40. There are no functional columns (e.g. a column whose value is
> calculated as an expression).
> &nbsp; 41. You cannot create an index on an expression, you can only index
> columns.
> &nbsp; 42. There are no materialized views.
> &nbsp; 43. The statistics vary between storage engines and regardless of
> the storage engine, are limited to simple cardinality and rows-in-a-range.
> In other words, statistics on data distribution are limited. There is not
> much control over updating of statistics.
> &nbsp; 44. There is no built-in promotion or failover mechanism.
> &nbsp; 45. Replication is asynchronous and has many limitations and edge
> cases. For example, it is single-threaded, so a powerful slave can find it
> hard to replicate fast enough to keep up with a less powerful master.
> &nbsp; 46. Cluster is not what you think it is. Maybe I already said that,
> but it bears repeating.
> &nbsp; 47. The data dictionary (INFORMATION_SCHEMA) is limited and very
> slow (it can easily crash a busy server).
> &nbsp; 48. There is no online ALTER TABLE.
> &nbsp; 49. There are no sequences.
> &nbsp; 50. DDL such as ALTER TABLE or CREATE TABLE is non-transactional. It
> commits open transactions and cannot be rolled back or crash-recovered.
> Schema is stored in the filesystem independently of the storage engine.
> Thanks in advance,
> Chang

Bier met grenadyn
Is als mosterd by den wyn
Sy die't drinkt, is eene kwezel
Hy die't drinkt, is ras een ezel

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