On Tue, Mar 16, 2010 at 8:03 PM, Michael Dykman <mdyk...@gmail.com> wrote:

> On Tue, Mar 16, 2010 at 5:06 AM, Johan De Meersman <vegiv...@tuxera.be>
> wrote:
> > On *nix, look for a utility called convmv.
> >
> > I've got a hunch that your original file comes from a windows host, and
> the
> > filenames may have been copied from a word document or something similar.
> > Microsoft knows best, and thus tends to convert regular dashes into some
> > weird, slightly elongated version. If you copy that to a filename, and
> then
> > move that file to a *nix host, you get strange stuff. It's all for your
> own
> > good, apparently.
> That is exactly the phenomenon I was referring to.and I run into it
> again and again.
> Here is a copy of the table explaining the details of those
> characters.  It should inspire some ideas on how to address these in a
> manner appropriate to your environment.

I would suggest that the manner appropriate to most any environment is to
just use plain ascii for your filenames :-)  The "swung dash" you refer to
is called a tilde, btw, and is mostly used in spanish.

Bier met grenadyn
Is als mosterd by den wyn
Sy die't drinkt, is eene kwezel
Hy die't drinkt, is ras een ezel

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