Thank you for your explanation. I was just curious if there was an "easy" way to format the output of the dates.. maybe by using a wildcard expression on the field names :)

Weydson Lima

On May 7, 2010 3:08am, Johan De Meersman <> wrote:
Dates are not internally stored as a specific region format, they're stored as seconds since epoch - just a big number.

Output formatting is a presentation layer issue, which you can solve either in your SQL [select date_format(datefield, 'us format string') from table] or in your application.

Maybe MySQL looks at the system's locale for default formatting, or there's a config setting, but I've never looked at that - doing it explicitly protects you from annoying glitches when you move to another system that might be configured slightly differently.

On Thu, May 6, 2010 at 11:00 PM, Weydson Lima> wrote:

I was referring to the function:


Weydson Lima

On Thu, May 6, 2010 at 1:58 PM, Martin Gainty> wrote:



> date_format system variable is currently an unused system variable


> Martin Gainty

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> > From:

> > Date: Thu, 6 May 2010 11:44:37 -0500

> > Subject: Changing date result automatically

> > To:


> >

> > Hi,

> >

> > Is there any way to format all dates generated by a MySQL query as US

> > format? What I want to do is having a generic way to use the DATE_FORMAT

> > function on all my date fields, instead of having to enter them manually.

> > Thank you

> >

> > ---

> > Weydson Lima

> >

> >


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