On Thu, Jul 1, 2010 at 11:58 PM, Machiel Richards <machi...@rdc.co.za>wrote:

>  Good morning all
>                 A few days ago i posted some questions relating to mysql
> threads running out and not being able to restart the database.
>                 We had the same again this morning however this time I had
> a bit of a heads up and managed to get into the database before it went down
> (so to speak).
>                 What I found was the following:
> ·         When running ‘ show processlist’, the amount of processes were
> increasing the whole time.
> ·         From the details, it seemed that all the connections were coming
> from the website and were trying to make connections to the database,
> however the statuses never changed from connect to anything else, and yet
> the amount of connections kept on rising.
> ·         From what I could gather, the incoming processes were trying to
> connect to the database but the connections could not be released causing
> havoc.
> I have tried to find clues in log files, etc... but nothing turned up. I
> suspected that it could perhaps be php however this could not be verified
> yet.
> Can someone please provide me with some thoughts as to why this could be
> happening? I am fairly new to MySQL and not sure where else to go from here
> to find the root cause.
> Generally everything works fine, however , every now and then things
> suddenly seem to be going wrong... L
>   Any help would be appreciated.
> Machiel Richards
> Relational Database Consulting
> [image: RDC_Logo]
My first guess would be a networking problem. If you run ifconfig repeatedly
do you notice the number of errors increasing? It would be good to look at
both the database server and the web server. Also, until you figure the
issue out you should be able to mitigate it by setting the connect timeout
to a more aggressive value.

Rob Wultsch

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