With some databases such as MySQL, subqueries have to be explicitly named.  For 

select * from (select * from (select * from table) sub1) sub2;

If not, you will see an error like: "ERROR 1248 (42000): Every derived table 
must have its own alias"

 I understand your problem correctly, you are looking to limit your 
result set to only those records that have symbols with a single unique 
combination of chrom, and strand.  If that's correct, something like the
 query below might work:

select geneName as symbol, name as refSeq, chrom, strand, txStart 
from refFlat 
where geneName in 
-- returns all geneNames (symbols) with one unique combination of chrom and 
(select geneName from
-- returns all unique combinations of symbol, chrom, and strand
(select distinct geneName, chrom, strand
from refFlat) sub1
group by geneName
having count(*) = 1) 
group by refSeq
having count(*) = 1;

> Date: Wed, 28 Jul 2010 11:10:32 -0500
> Subject: concatenate sql query with group by and having
> From: pengyu...@gmail.com
> To: mysql@lists.mysql.com
> mysql -ugenome -hgenome-mysql.cse.ucsc.edu mm9 -A
> I start mysql with the above command. Then I want to select the rows
> from the result of the following query, provided that for any rows
> that have the same symbol, chrom and strand should be the same
> (basically, discard the rows that have the same symbols but different
> chrom and strand). Could anybody show me how to do it?
> select geneName as symbol, name as refSeq, chrom, strand, txStart from
> refFlat group by refSeq having count(*)=1;
> I think that something like
> SELECT name FROM (SELECT name, type_id FROM (SELECT * FROM foods));
> works for sqlite3 (in terms of syntax). But the following do not work
> for mysql. Is this a difference between mysql and sqlite3? (I'm always
> confused by the difference between different variants of SQL)
> select * from (select geneName as symbol, name as refSeq, chrom,
> strand, txStart from refFlat group by refSeq having count(*)=1);
> --
> Regards,
> Peng
> --
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