Hello Gurus :-)  I was running a simple load generator against our 16GB Dual 
Quad core server and it pretty much came down to it's knees within two hours of 
running tests.  The customer DOES NOT WANT to change any code, they just want 
throw hardware at it since it took them a year to create all of the code.  It 
a 140GB database with 21GB of indexs all using InnoDB - currently doing 70% 
reads and 30% writes.

My question is what is the best way of distributing the load without changing 
any of the php / perl code that their web server uses?  This is what I am 
thinking but need someone to tell me it is a good idea or bad please?

1. Setup a single master and 2 slaves.  The question is how to tell the web 
servers to get all the read data from the slaves and to only write to the 

2. Install a MySQL proxy box and let mysql proxy handle the load, problem is 
it is the SPOF!

3. Use DNS round robin, BUT how to tell round robin to ONLY go to master for 
writes and ONLY use one of the 2 slaves for reads?

Any links, ideas or suggestions is most appreciated.




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