Thank you John

      I have in the meantime fond this to be the case (** someone
changed config files without my knowledge it seems as this was setup
properly and working**)

        Anyhow, in order for the innodb to be active again I need to
restart the database, however aftewards I assume the tables will still
be MyIsam.

        In this event I will need to manually alter each table, and I am
concerned about the impact of this on the system performance.


-----Original Message-----
From: John Daisley <>
To: Machiel Richards <>
Cc: mysql mailing list <>
Subject: Re: Changing database tables to different storage engine.
Date: Mon, 22 Nov 2010 10:51:23 +0000

I have frequently seen Innodb 'silently' disabled if the
innodb_log_file_size is different to the files size on disk (quite
common when moving systems about). You wont be able to use innodb until
you resolve this either by deleting the log files and restarting
mysqld so they get recreated or changing the innodb_log_file_size to
match the size of the files on disk. 
If the Innodb engine is not available then MySQL will use the default
(usually MyISAM) storage engine even if Innodb was specified. You can
stop this behaviour by setting sql-mode=NO_ENGINE_SUBSTITUTION

On 22 November 2010 10:12, Machiel Richards <>

        Hi All
           Sorry but things have now changed, and I found the following.
               The tables was in fact restored as Innodb, however
        someone seems
        to have gone and changed something causing innodb to be
        disabled, this
        caused the tables to be defaulted back to MyIsam.
               Should this not rather have just resulted in an error
        to fix the problem in the first place instead of changing the
               Anyone have some thoughts on the best solution to fix
        this? I
        will look into the innodb not working soon.
        -----Original Message-----
        From: Machiel Richards <>
        To: mysql mailing list <>
        Subject: Changing database tables to different storage engine.
        Date: Mon, 22 Nov 2010 11:59:03 +0200
        Good day all
                   Hope all is well.
                    I have something to ask as someone might have done
        this as
        well and may have a good solution on how to fix this.
                   During a database migration this weekend to move a
        database from windows to linux, we created a backup and restore
        of the
                   However, form my part I made a mistake by overlooking
        fact that the windows database was configured to use default
        engine as Innodb.
                   On the new server, the default was set to MyIsam.
                      This resulted in all the tables being restored to
        the new
        system as MyIsam instead of Innodb.
                       In order to fix this, I know you can use alter
        table to
        change the storage engine, however I need to know the following:
                           1. this is a production system and can't
        afford any
        downtime or as little performance degration as possible.
                                   What is the best way to do this in
        order to
        have the least amount of effect on the database and it's

John Daisley

Certified MySQL 5 Database Administrator
Certified MySQL 5 Developer
Cognos BI Developer

Telephone: +44 (0)7918 621621

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