as root, stop your mysql server in the normal way
ie :$ service mysqld stop

run mysql explicitly to skipp credentials

ie. (run it in the back ground)

$ /usr/libexec/mysqld --skip-grant-tables  &

once the server starts, you should be able to:
$ mysql -u root

assming you get in (no reason you shouldn't if you got this far), you
can use SQL statements to manipulate user data; you can't use GRANT or

use mysql;

update user set Password = PASSWORD('yourpassword') where User = 'root';

exit your session and kill your mysqld process. (get the pid via ps
-aux, then kill that)

restart mysql normally, and you should be good.  (I had to do this
over the weekend on a system someone else setup but failed to record
the credentials).

 - michael dykman

On Mon, Nov 29, 2010 at 12:28 PM, Maurizio Ponti
<> wrote:
> Dear Sirs, I would like to post the list:
> Topic: mysql server installation, password problems
> Dear Sirs, I downloaded the last MySQL server version some weeks ago,
> then I forgot the root password. I disinstalled everything and
> reinstalled from new, but I'm always asked for the old password in order
> to define a new one. It seems that an old file related to the password
> is still there in my computer and I could not erase it by disinstalling
> the server. Could you tell me which is the file and how could I delete
> it? Or what should I do in order to solve the problem? Thank you very
> much. Maurizio

 - michael dykman

 May the Source be with you.

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