
I just downloaded MySQL 5.5.8 (Win64 version) today and installed it on my dev machine. Previously I had MySQL 5.1.51 installed - as I've always felt it was better to uninstall the old before installing the new with Windows, I uninstalled 5.1.51 by doing the following:
- As Administrator, I ran DOS prompt and entered NET STOP MYSQL
- Ran MySQL Instance Configuration Wizard to remove the current instance
- Uninstalled MySQL Server 5.1.51 from Control Panel
- Went through my Users, ProgramData, and Program Files folders to delete any references to MySQL.
- Reboot computer

I should mention this is Windows 7 Ultimate 64-bit. After rebooting I installed MySQL 5.5.8 for Win64 using the downloaded MSI file. Once MySQL was installed, I downloaded and installed the current version of Workbench (5.2.31a). When I run Workbench, I see that the MySQL server is indeed running - I'll also mention that this is my first time using Workbench, until now I had been using the older MySQL Administrator GUI, however it stopped working with 5.5.8. So, back in Workbench, I goto Manage Security under the Server Administration heading, choosing the default Local instance: MySQL server to connect to. Next I click Accounts and finally Add Account at the bottom of this screen. Under Details for Account newu...@% I add in the user name I want, type the password twice, I've tried leaving Limit Connectivity to Hosts Matching as % and localhost.

Once I'm finished adding the user, I click Apply - however I'm presented with the following error message:

/Unhandled exception: Error adding account accountn...@%:/

I've tried adding a user in MySQL Administrator, as I am more familiar with it. It provides a different error:

/Error while storing the user information. The user might have been deleted. Please refersh the user list./

A command prompt pop-up appears with this error stating the following:

/** Message: save user: error adding new user entry

/I've googled the above error messages and found that either bug reports with similar wording were either abandoned, or supposed to be fixed already. Any thoughts, or should I go back to 5.1.51 and wait for the next point release of the 5.5 line?


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