I am having the hardest time getting a select as statement right.  Here is the 
full query:

SUM(IF(image='EE0840D00E2ED8A317E5FA9899C48C19',1,0)) as 
SUM(IF(image='235C7987796D5B7CEBF56FBDA2BF7815',1,0)) as 
SUM(IF(image='96DC0562ED6E6F7FE789A18E09BC5889',1,0)) as 
SUM(IF(image='D8B0EA710D2EF408391132F451AE724A',1,0)) as 
SUM(IF(image='018C4DB7229D7D2BEB040D241739B784',1,0)) as 
SUM(IF(image='98DE1FCA50AC9CE6E0FEA25BAB0177FE',1,0)) as 
SUM(IF(image='4E5664736F400E8B482EA7AA67853D13',1,0)) as 
4E5664736F400E8B482EA7AA67853D13,       <--offending line
SUM(IF(image='FEB810A43A1B275605BD6B69F444700C',1,0)) as 
from dsrssfeed

If I remove that one line, the query works fine.  If I do:

select  SUM(IF(image='4E5664736F400E8B482EA7AA67853D13',1,0)) as 4E from 
dsrssfeed ;

it works.  But these fail:

select  SUM(IF(image='4E5664736F400E8B482EA7AA67853D13',1,0)) as 
4E5664736F400E8B482EA7AA67853D13 from dsrssfeed ;
select  SUM(IF(image='4E5664736F400E8B482EA7AA67853D13',1,0)) as 4E5 from 
dsrssfeed ;

It can't be field name length, since even 4E5 fails, the field name can start 
with a number since 4E succeeds.

Any ideas?

The goal is to see what arbitrary images have information associated with them. 
 The table has two fields:  image is a UID that is the primary key, and caption 
which is a varchar(255) that has information about the image.  Images are added 
and deleted from the table as they are changed on a web page.  The UID is 
generated by a third party program that I have to interface with and have no 
control over.  An array of image UIDs is sent to the php script and the script 
needs to determine which UIDs are present in the table.  Rather than make N 
number of individual queries as I iterate through the array, I iterate through 
the array and build the query on the fly to make one query.  Then I iterate 
through the array again and check the value in the field.  1 means the UID has 
an entry, 0 means it doesn't.  I thought doing 1 mysql call would be more 
efficient than lots of calls as I iterate through the array.  But since there 
will probably never be more than 100 images in the table at any one time, it 
may not make any difference.  But now I'm just curious as to why this is 



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