I think the version CentOS (5.5) wants to use is 5.0.77-log. I don't think
CentOS will be updating the repository 5.5 uses for updates to any later
version of mysql.

I just completed two MySQL 5.5 installs on some RHEL machines by using the
remi repository. I followed this guide here:


went well, server runs great. I'd suggest going with 5.5.


On Sun, Feb 27, 2011 at 11:30 AM, Yang Yang <dapiy...@gmail.com> wrote:

> hi,i am a new guy for a company,and will make 1-3 server to mysql
> datacenter
> i have 2 question want to ask and hope receive responce
> 1.on centos or linux server,i should use 5.0 version or 5.1 version,which
> verison is better and can resolve many traffic use php+mysql
> 2.the my.cnf should i configure or where i can find some information?
> thanks all ,hope receive responce

Johnny Withers

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