HGi Yang, all!

Yang Yang wrote:
> hi,i am a new guy for a company,and will make 1-3 server to mysql datacenter
> i have 2 question want to ask and hope receive responce
> 1.on centos or linux server,i should use 5.0 version or 5.1 version,which
> verison is better and can resolve many traffic use php+mysql

MySQL 5.0 is past its active maintenance.
The MySQL team is fixing critical bugs (if any are found) for customers
who are paying for extended maintenance.
Until now, builds with critical bugs fixed have also been made available
to the community, but there is no promise this practice will be continued.

I recommend to base any new installation on a post-5.0 version of MYSQL
which is declared "GA" ("generally available", "production quality").
Currently, for this you can choose between 5.1 and 5.5.

While 5.5 is quite new in GA status, nonetheless the reactions (both
internal and external) are very positive. Especially if you want to use
InnoDB as your table engine in higher load situations, you should profit
very much from several improvements contained in 5.5.

So IMO 5.0 is a "no" for new installations, 5.1 could be considered, but
5.5 is to be preferred.

> 2.the my.cnf should i configure or where i can find some information?

Some sample configuration files are contained in the distribution.

You should create your own by looking at these samples, combining their
parts according to your needs and ressources, and then fine-tuning it
based on the results of tests, measurements, and real-life use data.


Joerg Bruehe,  MySQL Build Team,  joerg.bru...@oracle.com
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