Am 10.03.2011 18:10, schrieb mos:

> I am building a web application that uses MySQL 5.5 with Innodb tables and I 
> don't want the user to see the actual
> primary key value on the web page. The primary key could be the cust_id, 
> bill_id etc and is usually auto increment.
> This primary key can appear in the url and will be used to pull up a record 
> and display it on the web page.

> So I need some efficient way of 'cloaking' the real primary key so a hacker 
> won't try to generate random values to
> access info he shouldn't have access to. How do most web sites handle this?

the most sites will handle this by checking permissions
security by obscurity is simple crap

if i have access to record 738 and get z39 by changing the url
your application is simply broken

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