Am 10.03.2011 21:09, schrieb mos:
> At 12:37 PM 3/10/2011, Claudio Nanni wrote:
>> Hi there,
>> Yes I think its actually a pattern a few hundreds million sites solved 
>> already :)
> Great. How did they do it? :)
>> And any way to encrypt (scramble)the http get string would do. But my 
>> question is , are you afraid of sql injection?
> I'm using parameterized queries and validating user input so SQL injection 
> shouldn't be a problem.
> I just don't want to give the hacker any more useful information than 
> necessary.  Let's say I have a Document_Id
> column and the url is
> to retrieve document_id=4, I don't want someone to write a program to 
> retrieve all of my public documents and
> download them. I want them to go through the user interface.
> The private documents of course need a user name and password to access them, 
> but public documents do not require
> passwords.
> So hashing or encrypting the id column will make the id's non-contiguous and 
> impossible to guess.

sorry but this is foolish
leave the id in peace and add a colum with some checksum

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