On Mar 17, 2011, at 3:01 PM, Geert-Jan Brits wrote:

Indeed, I don't thing there is.

Just be sure that each record has an unique combination of org_id and item_id, otherwise you might end up with an org_id that, for example, references 4 times item_id 34 in 4 different records, but no other item_ids. This is obvisouly not what you want.


Correct. That's why I use "select distinct org_id, item_id" in sub- query.

Is here anybody from mysql development team, to suggest to build IN ALL function?

2011/3/17 LAMP <l...@afan.net>
First I was thinking there is function IN ALL or something like that, since there are functions IN and EXISTS. And I would be able to make a query something like this
   select distinct org_id, item_id
   from orders
   where item_id in all (34, 36, 58, 63)
 order by org_id asc

But, there isn't any. :-(

The correct query is

select r.org_id
    select distinct a.org_id, a.item_id
    from orders a
    where a.item_id in (34, 36, 58, 63)
    order by a.org_id asc
) r
group by r.org_id
having count(*) >= 4

On Mar 17, 2011, at 12:24 PM, Peter Brawley wrote:

> What I need is a list of orgs they bought all of items 34, 36, 58, 63. every of them.

Some solutions under "What else did buyers of X buy" at http://www.artfulsoftware.com/infotree/queries.php .



On 3/17/2011 12:00 PM, LAMP wrote:
Yes, that was my question. Though, since English is not my first language, let me try to post it again:

There is a list of all orgs and items org bough, from table called orders

item_id    org_id
34        2607
34        2607
34        1520
36        2607
36        1520
36        8934
38        28
38        15
38        5
38        13
58        2607
58        2607
58        7295
58        1649
58        7295
58        1520
63        2607
63        2607
63        8871
63        7295
63        1520
65        15
65        20
95        1520
95        1520
95        7295
98        1520
98        7295

select org_id from orders where item_id in (34. 36. 58. 63) will give me a result


This is the list of ALL orgs they bought ANY of items (34. 36. 58. 63). Agree?

What I need is a list of orgs they bought all of items 34, 36, 58, 63. every of them. Result should be only orgs 2607 and 1520.

I hope it's more clear now.

On Mar 15, 2011, at 10:47 PM, Rhino wrote:

Your original question said: "Need to select all (distinct) org_id they have item_id 34, 36, 58 and 63. All of them, not only some of them. "

That's the question I answered with my suggested query.

It sounds like that is not what you meant after all but I'm not sure what you DO want with your query. Why are 2607 and 1520 the only right answers?

Because they are. I look at the database and "manually" found the result I have to get. What's wrong with my statement?

Based on your own query, it looks like you only want an org_id for item_ids 34, 36, 58, and 63 if there are exactly 4 occurrences of that org_id amongst the desired item_ids

actually, there is mistake in my query, it should say "having count(org_id) >= 4" and, yes, that's what I want. I can get the correct list using the query I posted but I was hoping there is BETTER way.

but that wasn't in your statement of the problem. So please clarify EXACTLY what you want. Giving an incomplete or contradictory description of you want only wastes both your time and mine.

As I stated earlier, English is not my first language and I was trying to do my best. Sorry for confusing you.


On 2011-03-15 20:35, LAMP wrote:

On Mar 15, 2011, at 6:18 PM, Rhino wrote:

All you should need is this:

select distinct org_id
from orders
where item_id in (34, 36, 58, 63)

I'm assuming that the DISTINCT operator is available in the version of MySQL that you are using. I don't currently have any version of MySQL installed so I can't try this myself to be sure it works in your version of MySQL.


your query will give me every org_id that has ANY of item_id., I need org_id that has ALL of item_id. right?
result would be

On 2011-03-15 18:51, LAMP wrote:
I need a help to build a query.

Let's say there is a table orders (simplified, of course)

`item_id` int,
`org_id` int,

item_id    org_id
34        2607
34        2607
34        1520
36        2607
36        1520
36        8934
38        28
38        15
38        5
38        13
58        2607
58        2607
58        7295
58        1649
58        7295
58        1520
63        2607
63        2607
63        8871
63        7295
63        1520
65        15
65        20
95        1520
95        1520
95        7295
98        1520
98        7295

Need to select all (distinct) org_id they have item_id 34, 36, 58 and 63. All of them, not only some of them.

Result is org_id=2607 and org_id=1520

I can have it by

select org_id
from orders
where item_id in (34, 36, 58, 63)
group by org_id
having count(org_id)=4

but, I'm sure there is better solution?

Thanks for any help.


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