Am 15.04.2011 17:59, schrieb Gary:
> Michael, thank you for your reply
> ""Might I suggest, instead of the 2 part juggling act, you drop the
> auto-increment property on your second table, and just use the value
> derived from the first as the joining key in the second.  Then there
> is only one sequence to worry about with nothing to sync against
> ""
> There is only one AI into the main page.  This is the insert code, I have 
> probably left more in than you need to see.
> What I also did was to add some duplicate columns in the two tables (email, 
> ip, timestamp) so in the event I need to manually to in I would be able to 
> decifer who goes where.
> On second look, it would appear I am NOT using a join, but two inserts.... I 
> don't recall why I did it that way

this code is unreadable for me because of its coding-style and if i see
"addslashes" for database inserts i start to fear and run away

you are using two inserts so what do you do there and where can be anything
out of sync on the database-level? where is the magic in your code without
using mysql_insert_id() or LAST_INSERT_ID() - what should this code do?

* insert in main table
* fetch mysql_insert_id() what is thread-safe
* use that value in the second table

and please do not use such ugly hacks as in the begin of your code
addslashes() has no useable security for user-input

even mysql_escape_string() has not -> mysql_real_escape_string()

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