Am 25.05.2011 10:35, schrieb Brent Clark:
> Hiya
> I think I read somewhere that Mysql 5.5 is defaulting on Innodb as its 
> default storage engine.
> The question I would like to ask is. For those still running Mysql 5.0 / 5.1. 
> Have any of you set the mysql default
> variable to be / use Innodb?

depends on the use

for dedicated dbmail-instaces, yes because there is only InnoDB/UTF8 used

on all other machines independent of the mysql-version like below and i
am happy that i never use default-configs because the change in 5.5
would kill the mysqld if you disabeld innodb-storage-engine :-)

character-set-server   = latin1
collation-server       = latin1_german1_ci
default-storage-engine = myisam


if there is no good reason i will never enable innodb because
MyISAM is enough for most web-apps and "dirty things" like
stop the server and restore a database from a backup with
rsync the folder can not be done with InnoDB

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