From: John Daisley [] 
Sent: Friday, June 03, 2011 6:09 AM
To: Rocio Gomez Escribano
Subject: Re: timezone


now() returns the current system time which doesn't really have a great deal to 
do with time zones.


[JS] I think that statement is confusing – at least, it is to me. Unless you 
specify otherwise, NOW() returns the current system time in the system’s time 
zone. Your comment could be interpreted to mean that it doesn’t use any time 
zone: i.e., that it returns the UTC.





Jerry Schwartz

Global Information Incorporated

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You can check what the current time zone is set to with the following command


show variables like 'time_zone';


but that is likely to return the value 'SYSTEM' which means it takes the value 
from the host operating system ( usually set in /etc/timezone ). 


You can set the time_zone variable either globally or per session to an offset 
of UTC as follows


SET time_zone='+00:00:00';

SET GLOBAL time_zone='+00:00:00';


Or you can specify a 'default_time_zone' in your my.cnf/my.ini options file.


You can also set the time_zone variables to a named offset which will then take 
account of daylight savings times but to do this you must first load the mysql 
time zone tables. 


I strongly suggest you read the manual section relating to time zone support 
which you can find here




On 3 June 2011 10:27, Rocio Gomez Escribano <> 

I’m afraid I don’’t understand you:



mysql> select count(*) from mysql.time_zone_name;


| count(*) |


|        0 |


1 row in set (0.00 sec)


But, when I execute:



mysql> select now();


| now()               |


| 2011-06-03 11:28:00 |


1 row in set (0.00 sec)


That’s correct, in Spain it’s that time. So, mysql is using the timezone 
correctly, isn’t it?




Rocío Gómez Escribano



Descripción: cid:image002.jpg@01CB8CB6.ADEBA830

Polígono Campollano C/F, nº21T

02007 Albacete (España)

Tlf:967-504-513  Fax: 967-504-513



De: John Daisley [] 
Enviado el: viernes, 03 de junio de 2011 11:18
Para: Rocio Gomez Escribano
Asunto: Re: timezone


Have you populated the timezone tables? Run this query if you are not sure.


SELECT COUNT(*) FROM mysql.time_zone_name;


If it returns 0 then you need to populate the them as per the instructions here


Default timezone in mysql is set at server startup to SYSTEM, which means so 
long as your system clock is correct the MySQL server should be correct.




On 3 June 2011 09:55, Rocio Gomez Escribano <> 

Hello! I’m having trouble with timezones.


I’m in Spain, we have 2 different timezone now we are in GMT+2, in winter, this 
is the GMT+1.


I’m looking for an instruction which give me the current timezone, but I cant 
find it! Do you know how can I now it?




Rocío Gómez Escribano <> 


¡Error! Nombre de archivo no especificado.

Polígono Campollano C/F, nº21T

02007 Albacete (España)

Tlf:967-504-513  Fax: 967-504-513



John Daisley

Certified MySQL 5 Database Administrator
Certified MySQL 5 Developer
Cognos BI Developer

Telephone: +44 (0)7918 621621

John Daisley

Butterfly Information Systems

Microsoft SQL Server Database Administrator

Certified MySQL 5 Database Administrator & Developer
Cognos BI Developer \ Administrator 

Available for short & long term contracts

Telephone: +44 (0)7918 621621


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